Primary Test of Nonverbal Intellegence (PTONI)

Primary Test of Nonverbal Intellegence (PTONI)

Primary Test of Nonverbal Intellegence (PTONI)
For use with: 3-9 yrs. old
Administration time: 5 to 15 minutes
Qualification level: C
Complete kit Include: Examiner’s Manual, Picture Book with Easel, and 25 Examiner/Record Forms, all in a sturdy storage box. (© 2008)


The Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (PTONI) is a theoretically sound, research-based method of assessing reasoning abilities in young children. Psychologists, diagnosticians, special educators, speech-language pathologists, and other professionals can use this test to identify both severe intellectual deficits and superior cognitive intelligence; help estimate future school success based on family history, educational background, and personality traits; and study a wide range of researchable topics and issues.