Pictorial Test of Intelligence 2nd Ed. (PTI-II)

Pictorial Test of Intelligence 2nd Ed. (PTI-II)

Pictorial Test of Intelligence 2nd Ed.
For use with: 3 – 8 years old
Administration time: 15 – 30 minutes
Qualification level: B
Complete Kit: Manual, Picture Book, 20 Profile/Examiner Test Record


The PTI-2 is a revision of the Pictorial Test of Intelligence (French, 1964) and is an objectively scored, individually administered test of general intelligence for both normal and disabled children ages 3-0 through 8-11 years. Administration time ranges from 15 to 30 minutes. Administer three subtests and combine the scores to get the Pictorial Intelligence Quotient, a global index of performance to provide a multidimensional measure of g.