Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory (LISRES)

Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory (LISRES)

Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory
Purpose: Monitors ongoing life stressors and social resources in adults ages 18 years and older
Format: Paper and pencil
Age range: 12 years and older
Time: 30-60 minutes
Qualification level: B
Complete Kit: includes LISRES-A Professional Manual, 10 Reusable Item Booklets, and 50 Hand-Scorable Answer/Profile Forms


A structured interview, the LISRES provides a unified framework to measure ongoing life stressors and social resources and their changes over time. It can be used to describe a person’s life context, to monitor stability and changes, to compare individuals and groups, and to examine how life events affect an individual’s situation and functioning.