Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests, Second Edition (GDRT-II)

Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests, Second Edition (GDRT-II)

Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests, Second Edition
Ages: 6-0 to 13-11 years
Admin Time: 45-60 minutes
Format: Seven individually administered subtests, each assessing a different reading skill
Scores: Scaled scores for subtests, plus composites for Decoding, Comprehension, and General Reading
Complete Kit: Includes Student Form Book A; Student Form Book B; 25 Examiner/Record Forms A; 25 Examiner/Record Forms B; Adventures in Fancyland Storybook; Manual


The GDRT-2 can be used to assess students who have difficulty reading continuous print or who require an evaluation of specific abilities and weaknesses. With two parallel forms provided, teachers and reading specialists find this test an efficient way to monitor reading progress over time.
The GDRT-2 has four core subtests, each of which measures an important reading skill: Letter/Word Identification; Phonetic Analysis; Reading Vocabulary; and Meaningful Reading.
In addition, three supplemental subtests—Listening Vocabulary; Rapid Naming; and Phonological Awareness—measure skills that are important in diagnosing or teaching developmental readers and children with dyslexia.