Conners Early Childhood (Conners EC)

Conners Early Childhood (Conners EC)

Conners Early Childhood
AGES: 2 to 6 years
ADMIN TIME: 25 minutes
FORMAT: Parent and teacher/caregiver ratings
COMPLETE KIT: Includes Manual; Scoring Software; 25 Parent Response Booklets; 25 Teacher/Caregiver Response Booklets Minimum requirements: Pentium III processor, Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista or XP. 512 MB of memory, 500 MB of disk space, and a USB port


The Conners EC is an innovative psychological instrument designed to assess the concerns of parents and teachers/childcare providers of preschool children.
This instrument aids in the early identification of behavioural, social and emotional problems. The Conners EC also assists in measuring whether or not the child is appropriately meeting major developmental milestones (Adaptive Skills, Communication, Motor Skills, Play and Pre-Academic/Cognitive).
This tool provides information that may be useful to consider when determining whether or not a child is eligible for early intervention or special education.