Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (CARS-II)

Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (CARS-II)

Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition
Ages: 2 years and up
Admin Time: 5–10 minutes (after the information needed to make the ratings has been collected)
Format: Two 15-item rating scales completed by the clinician (each designed for a different population); and an unscored Parent/Caregiver Questionnaire
Complete Kit: Includes 25 Standard Version Rating Booklets (CARS2-ST); 25 High-Functioning Version Rating Booklets (CARS2-HF); 25 Questionnaires for Parents or Caregivers (CARS2-QPC); Manual


Since its original publication, the CARS has become one of the most widely used and empirically validated autism assessments. It has proven especially effective in discriminating between children with autism and those with severe cognitive deficits, and in distinguishing mild-to-moderate from severe autism.
The revised second edition expands the test’s clinical value, making it more responsive to individuals on the “high-functioning” end of the autism spectrum—those with average or higher IQ scores, better verbal skills, and more subtle social and behavioral deficits. While retaining the simplicity, brevity, and clarity of the original test, the CARS2 adds forms and features that help you integrate diagnostic information, determine functional capabilities, provide feedback to parents, and design targeted intervention.