The CDS provides an estimate of career indecision and its antecedents, as well as an outcome measure to determine the effects of relevant interventions.
The 4-page Test Booklet contains all items and ratings, as well as space for scoring and recording. Students indicate on a scale of 1 to 4 how closely each statement describes their own thinking process regarding their educational and occupational plans.The CDS is composed of 19 items. The Certainty scale (items 1 and 2) measures the degree of a certainty a student feels about his/her decision about a college major and/or a career. The Indecision scale (items 3-18) provides a measure of career indecision. Item 19 is open-ended, allowing the student to clarify or provide additional information about his or her career decision making.
The CDS manual provides normative data for high school and college students, as well as limited norms for adult college women and continuing education students.