Adaptive Behavior Inventory (ABI)

Adaptive Behavior Inventory (ABI)

Adaptive Behavior Inventory
Age Range: 6 – 18 yrs
Time Taken: 30 minutes
Administration: Individual
Complete Kit: 25 Profile and Response Sheets, 25 Short Form Response Sheets, and Examiner’s Manual, all in a sturdy storage box.


The ABI evaluates the functional daily living skills of school-age children and helps identify students believed to be mentally retarded or emotionally disturbed. Both the ABI and the ABI-Short Form are completed by the classroom teacher or other professional staff, and both yield Adaptive Behavior Quotients, standard scores, and percentile ranks. The tests were standardized on 1,296 non-disabled students and 1,076 students with mental retardation in 21 states. The demographic characteristics of the normal intelligence standardization group approximate the eight major characteristics reported in the U.S. census.