Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS)

Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS)

Career Ability Placement Survey
Range: Grades 6-12, college and adult
Norms: Middle, high school and college
Administration Time: 5 Minutes for each of the eight tests
50 minutes to complete the entire battery with the CAPS Administration CD or online
Complete Kit: includes CAPS, Career Briefs, & suppressed results

SKU: 61 Category:


The Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS) is a comprehensive, multi-dimensional battery designed to measure vocationally relevant abilities. Each of the eight ability dimensions is keyed to entry requirements for the majority of occupations in each of the 14 COPSystem Career Clusters. CAPS scores are interpreted in terms of examinees’ abilities relative to others at the same educational level. Scores are also interpreted in terms of each of the 14 COPSystem Career Clusters. Examinees learn which occupational areas are most suited to present abilities and which areas might require a bit more training if examinees are interested in pursuing related occupations.