
Psy Systems and Innovations, OPC

Psy Systems and Innovations

Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI)

The VPI consists of 160 occupations representing the six personality types in the RIASEC theory of personality as well as five additional dimensions. The theory states that
people search for work environments similar to their personalities. VPI users decide if they like or dislike each of the occupations.
The VPI user completes the inventory by simply recording occupational preferences in the all-in-one test booklet/answer sheet. For easy administration and scoring of the
VPI, this booklet contains inventory items, a self-scoring carbonless answer sheet, and the male and female profile forms. In approximately 1 minute, you can hand score all 11 VPI
scales: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional, Self-Control, Status, Masculinity/Femininity, Infrequency, and Acquiescence.