Social-Emotional Dimension Scale – 2nd Edition (SEDS-2)
The SEDS-2 provides school personnel such as teachers, counselors, educational diagnosticians, and psychologists with a means for rating student behavior problems that may interfere with academic functioning. It is a highly structured, norm-referenced rating scale that is useful for identifying students who are "at risk" for problematic behaviors. The 74-item scale rates the behaviors of students ages 6-0 through 18-11 years. The total score estimates the degree of problems exhibited by children and adolescents referred for possible evaluation for special education eligibility. Characteristics and Improvements of the SEDS-2: Demographics of the normative sample approximate those of the U.S. census on key variables. Norms are reported separately for males and females. The absence of racial and ethnic bias has been demonstrated. Reliability coefficients are provided for subgroups of the sample (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, and age), as well as for the entire normative sample. New validity studies show the relationship of test scores to similar measures and the ability of the test to discriminate between students with and without emotional disabilities. Outside experts helped select items. The number of items in the scale is increased from 32 to 74, providing a greater range of behavioral assessment. In addition, the scoring criteria are expanded and allow more choices in rating frequency of the behaviors.