
Psy Systems and Innovations, OPC

Psy Systems and Innovations

Multiscore Depression Inventory for Children (MDI-C)

This unique self-report inventory with items written by children assesses depression in 8- to 17-year-olds. A downward extension of the highly regarded Multiscore
Depression Inventory, the MDI-C lets youngsters indicate how they feel, giving you a childs-eye view of their emotional world. Its ideal for both routine screening and clinical
The MDI-C is the first measure of childhood depression with items created by children, written in their own words. During test development, children between 8 and 13
years of age reviewed MDI-C items, and items were revised, reworded, or added based on their suggestions. Consequently, MDI-C items have excellent face validity. Written at a
second-grade reading level, theyre brief, easy to understand, and meaningful to children.